Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Prayer

As the first ray of light I saw,
As the first touch i felt,
As the first time I took my first breath,
As the first time my voice was heard by all...
I was born ... in this world,

The world was not curious about my birth,
But the two soul alone were curious to see me
one within whom I spent my nine months,
the one who gave me life to be in this world.

It was the happiest day for them
and the day when my life started

I was born with a royal touch
Brought up with a style
My childhood had nothing that was less
I got everything before I wished...

Every step I was thought
well shaped and moulded to become
what everybody knows me today

as twenty three years have passed
I stand today in a place,
In a position respected by all,
blessed by many.

I don know what I have to return

for what I have been given all this years,
I don know what I did,
to get all this goodies in my life.

But all I know is I am blessed to be
born for the two souls .....
and blessed to be with them...

Blessed are those who are with their Parents
Blessed are those who were with them...
Blessed are those who remember them...
Blessed are those who are for them....

A request to all
No matter what happens
You need not bend to what your parents say
but you can win their hearts with the
Sweetness of smile,
Softness of speech

Hands of affection....

Believe me they are your parents no one other than

you .. who knows how to keep them happy and to love them

Parents love you for what you are
without expecting what you give to them...
Parents have darkness and brightness
but still look on the brighter side but keep trying
to show some light over there dark sides...
even when they don't understand, don't lose hope
soon they ll , as they are your parents.....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Krishna.. very nice and touching poem. Your poetic style is improving. very nice to see ! Keep writing !

Timely poem on Mothers day !